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Empathy vs. Sympathy

In this time of uncertainty, our emotions are all over the place. Get yours in check when dealing with homeowners facing difficulties with their property.

Master being empathic and not sympathetic.  Here is the comparison of the 2 feelings and put yourself in the place of the person you are interacting with.

Empathy is a term we use for the ability to understand other people’s feelings as if we were having them ourselves.

Understanding or feeling other’s situation due to personal experience.

Empathy can be regarding good and bad feelings. It covers both happiness and sadness.

A person feels the feeling or another person i.e. “I know how it feels losing parents as I faced such situation myself a few years back.” “I have worked with other people facing your same problems and we were able to accomplish our goal for all.”

Sympathy refers to the ability to take part in someone else’s feelings, mostly by feeling sorrowful about their misfortune.

Understanding and feeling emotions of others by their experience.

Sympathy refers mainly towards the negative, sorrow, suffering, travail etc.

Feeling for the others by their experience i.e. “I am very sorry that you lost your parents, may their soul rest in peace.” “I feel so bad for you facing selling your home under these circumstances.”

Sympathy is the term which refers towards possessing feelings of care and support whenever others are in pain or suffering.

Sympathy only is for suffering and uneven situations.

Go out and make friends and be successful!


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